Monday, June 15, 2009

Another summer day

This morning I reviewed Career Builder and Monster as well as the Houston paper to look for another accounting position....requirements for unemployment. Nothing really turned up this morning in that arena. I should hear back by Wednesday as to whether or not I'll be called back for a second interview at a company that I interviewed with last week. Keeping two things in mind, our family finances and knowing that I won't have to go back forever, are the only two things that get me over the sick feeling of going back to Corporate America.

So, on to happier business. I took the kiddos to the pool for a couple of hours today. The pool will pretty much be our vacation this summer. They're old enough now that I can sit out and read a bit. I'm reading "Thou Shall Prosper" by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Great book. I recomend it and many of you probably know that it's also recomended by the famous Dave Ramsey. It's motivating for someone who wants to start their own business.

I'll be working on two new wreaths later today and probably tomorrow as well. I'm putting together a Texas A&M and a Univ. of Texas fabric wreaths...well two of each. I've got to finish preparing for the Bay City Market Days taking place Saturday, June 20th. If you're in the area, stop by!! This will be our first time at the Bay City Market Day. I'm sure it will be quite hot. I wonder how many crafters will be there?

Sarah helped me to take several pictures of the wreaths, flip flops and garland earlier today. I'll get those posted by tomorrow's entry.
This is one of our cats, Wolfie.

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